Saturday, July 26, 2008

Tonight, while out to eat, me and my family met another family. They were some really nice people - we were seated right next to them at the restaurant. I noticed that they had a small child with them (after learning that he was 3 years old, he wasn't so small). Anyway, I was prompted to go out to my car to get one of my children's book to give to these people, who we up to this point had not really spoken to. As I returned, they were about to leave and I handed the dad the book - almost in passing. They all said thank you and were on their way. Seconds after I sat down, the dad came back and asked if I would sign the book. So I did, so gladly. While doing so he explained to us how he had just buried his 11 day old son that day. I was quiet for a moment as me and my family listened to he and his wife talk about how they were making it through. He then allowed us all to pray with them, right there in the middle of the restaurant, and it was really cool.
It was funny though that when our bill came out, the waiter drawn a cross on the check underneath the words "Thank You".

Anyway, this posting is for that awesome family we met tonight and I hope this video helps you through this time.


Blogger David Guion said...

Hi Michael,

Wow, what a great story! I'm sure the Lord is going to continue using a seemly spontaneous act of kindness to encourage that family through your book.

Hope to see you on September 7th up in Austin.

Have a blessed week,

David Guion for
Encouraging the daily praise and worship of Jesus Christ because worship is a daily lifestyle, not just a weekly event!

11:32 AM  
Blogger defuller said...

I came here looking for laughs and ended up crying, but that was beautiful! Thank you for sharing it.

Blessed be the Name of the LORD!

1:43 PM  
Blogger Mari said...

Hi! I found you through the Grand Rapids magazine in the Dr's office. I was impressed by your testimony in that magazine and came to your site to see more. I found the humor, but also your sincerity. Thanks for being Jesus to this family and thanks for posting this video.

4:14 PM  

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